Has Your Clumping Bamboo Been Winterized?
To help clumping bamboo, or other frost sensitive tropical/semitropical plants get through the winter months we offer three options:
1. Plantifreeze: an extract from pine, juniper, and temperate bamboo leaves that can be sprayed on the leaves and stems, acting like an antifreeze for the plants.
2. Thermal Mass: 5 gallon buckets filled with water and covered with lids absorb light and heat during the day, and re-radiate that heat at night. This helps protect the roots and lower stems from freezing.
3. Cover Them: Tarps or plant blankets covering the top or tied together at the top help to hold in the warmth rising from the plants and the earth itself, and buffer the freezing winds.
1. Plantifreeze: an extract from pine, juniper, and temperate bamboo leaves that can be sprayed on the leaves and stems, acting like an antifreeze for the plants.
2. Thermal Mass: 5 gallon buckets filled with water and covered with lids absorb light and heat during the day, and re-radiate that heat at night. This helps protect the roots and lower stems from freezing.
3. Cover Them: Tarps or plant blankets covering the top or tied together at the top help to hold in the warmth rising from the plants and the earth itself, and buffer the freezing winds.
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